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[白领英语]:发布会还得继续 新产品发布时可使用的语言
chatnet(2013/8/26 10:40:46)  点击:247630  回复:0  IP:180.* * *
Narrator: 今天对于 Tip Top 贸易公司来说可是尤为重要的一天。因为今天公司将发布最新研发的产品 – 塑料茄子。发布会将在一家豪华的酒店举行,客户们陆续到达,不过有一位非常重要的人物迟迟没有出现。

Denise: Has anyone seen Anna?

Paul: I haven’t seen her all morning. Tom you were with her last.

Tom: That was last night at the pub. She was drowning her sorrows.

Denise: Drowning her sorrows?

Tom: Yeah. She saw Dave from IT with another woman – Julie from accounts actually. She was very upset.

Denise: Oh poor Anna.

Paul: So you left her drowning in the pub? And who’s got the prototype aubergine to show at the launch?

Tom: Oh no! Anna has. It’s in her bag. What are we going to do?

Denise: Panic!

Paul: No Denise. Calm down. I’ll just have to make a start and I’m sure Anna will turn up. (Clears throat) Excuse me everyone, could you all gather round. Our presentation is about to begin.

Tom: I’ll change the slides for you on the computer Paul. I’m good with technology.

Paul: Okey dokey. Erm… ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to our presentation. We have something very exciting to… erm… show you and it’s not a fruit… ha ha!

(Door opens)

Anna: …and here it is – fresh from the factory – our plastic aubergine!
(Polite applause)

Narrator: Anna 你来得真及时。

Anna: I know. I think I drank a bit too much last night and now I can’t remember what to say.

Narrator: 你需要说服每位在场的客户,你们研发的塑料茄子是市场上最好的产品,每位客户都应该惺惺惜惺惺。你可以说 ‘we believe this high quality product is something your business needs’ 我们相信这个高质量的产品正是贵公司所需要的,还有 ’our new product has been designed to the highest specification’ 我们新产品的设计拥有最高的规格,还要告诉大家 ‘this product is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table’ 这个产品摆放在任何一家咖啡馆或饭店的餐桌上都再合适不过了。说了这些之后你就等着订单蜂拥而至吧!

Anna: What? They’ll send them by aeroplane?

Narrator: 不是的!你就照我说的做,然后就知道结果了。

Anna: OK then. (To the audience) Yes everyone, this aubergine may look good enough to eat but it is made of the highest quality plastic and I’m convinced it’s something your business needs.

Paul: Err yes, that’s right. It may be plastic but it is… fantastic!

Anna: Thank you Paul. This product has been designed to the highest specifications. It’s tough and durable.

Client: Yeah but why would I want to buy it?

Tom: ‘Cos it’s cheap mate!

Anna: No Tom. It’s because it is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table. It shows you’re serious about food.

Paul: And it doesn’t go mouldy.

Anna: Yes. We’re taking orders today and… and…

Narrator: 还有什么 Anna?

Anna: I don’t know what to say next.

Narrator: 告诉大家如果今天下订单可以得到折扣还有质量保证。

Anna: Oh right. If you place an order for more than 1,000 we can offer you a generous discount. Plus, all our products come with a money-back guarantee.

Client: I like it!

Narrator: 真棒 Anna. 她刚才的介绍很清楚,对产品自己也显得很热情。下面我们再来听一遍Anna 使用的表达:
It is made of the highest quality plastic and I’m convinced it’s something your business needs.

This product has been designed to the highest specifications. It’s tough and durable.
It is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table.
We can offer you a generous discount. Plus, all our products come with a money-back guarantee.

Anna: Thanks for listening. Tom has a few slides to show which illustrate how the aubergine has been designed. Tom. Tom?

Tom: Oh no, it’s frozen, the slides won’t change.

Dave: (From back of room) It’s OK, I can fix, I am the IT guy after all.

Tom: Dave? What are you doing here? Cheating on Anna like that. Here Anna, give me that aubergine. (Throwing the aubergine) There, that’s for upsetting Anna.

Anna: Tom, no!
(Window smashes)

Dave: Ha ha, missed me!

Denise: Ha! Well, the aubergine’s certainly tough and durable.

Paul: Tom, Anna, I think we’d better talk about this back in my office.

Narrator: 哎呀!这可真是一场精彩的产品发布会呀。希望 Tom 的一时冲动不会影响订单蜂拥而至- 不过订单可不能从窗户里飞进来。

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