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suitel(2012/12/23 22:57:18)  点击:248163  回复:0  IP:14.* * *
This is the desperately sad story of the thinnest woman in the world who weighs just four stone after years of extreme dieting。世界上最瘦的女性瓦莱里娅-列维京讲述了她自己绝望又悲伤的故事:因为多年长期的极端节食减肥,她现在的体重只有大约4英石(约为51斤)。

But rather than feel sorry for herself, Valeria Levitin says her emaciated figure should be a severe wake-up call for girls wanting matchstick-thin figures。但瓦莱里娅说,她公开自己的故事,并不是想让大家同情可怜她,她是想让自己的消瘦身材,为其他追求火柴棍般纤细身材的姑娘们敲响警钟。

At 5ft 8in, she should weigh between 9st and 12st, according to NHS advice. Instead, she is a tiny 4st 3lbs, less than half of what her lightest healthy weight should be. 瓦莱里娅身高为5英尺8英寸(约为1米72),根据英国国家医疗服务系统的建议,这个身高的正常体重应该在9英石到12英石之间(114斤到153斤之间)。但瓦莱里娅只有4英石3磅重(约为52斤),还不到正常健康体重最低值的一半。

What is most worrying is that Valeria, originally from Russia but who now lives in Monaco, says she gets fan mail from girls desperate to copy her skeletal look。瓦莱里娅是俄罗斯裔,目前居住在摩纳哥。她说现在最让她担忧的事情是,她经常会受到一些粉丝的邮件,这些女孩们不顾一切地想要复制她骨瘦如柴的身材。

The 39-year-old told The Sun: ‘I have received emails from young girls who want me to teach them how to be like me. All the letters I’ve had are from women, mainly in their twenties, who see me as some kind of inspiration.’现年39岁的瓦莱里娅对《太阳报》表示:“我收到很多年轻女孩的来信,她们都想让我教她们如何才能变成我现在的身材。我收到的这些信都是女性写的,主要是20多岁的女孩,她们把我当成激励她们的榜样。”

As a result, she has taken the brave step to speak out about her condition and campaign against anorexia – and says she refuses to teach young girls how to die。正是因为这样,所以她决定勇敢地站出来,说出自己的真实情况,参与到反对神经性厌食症的活动中。她说她不会教这么女孩子去寻死。

She says she wants to share her story to prevent other people falling victim to the same fate, saying anorexia has made her ‘lonely, unattractive and repulsive for the people around me’。她说她想分享她的故事,阻止其他人也落入和她同样的命运。厌食症使她“孤单寂寞,没有魅力,周围的人都非常排斥她。”

She believes the roots of her condition lie with her mother, who was terrified Valeria would grow up obese like her relatives. Even as a young child, her diet was curtailed。瓦莱里娅的饮食失调问题根源可能出在她母亲身上,母亲害怕她会变得像自己亲戚一样身材臃肿,所以从小就严格控制她的饮食。

At 16, and weighing 10st, Valeria moved to Chicago with her parents. Desperate to fit in at a new school, she thought that if she lost weight, she would be accepted and liked. As a result, she restricted her diet even further, cutting out sugar or carbohydrates. 16岁的瓦莱里娅体重10英石(约为127斤),她随父母一起搬到了芝加哥。当时的她极度渴望想融入新学校新环境,所以她觉得如果自己能减肥变瘦,新同学们就会接受她喜欢她。所以她更加注意控制饮食,不吃糖分和碳水化合物。

When a classmate made a cruel comment about Valeria’s figure, she became even more determined to lose weight. By the time she was 23, Valeria’s dress size had plummeted from a healthy size 12 to a tiny size six。当时还有一位同学曾嘲讽过瓦莱里娅的身材,这更加坚定了她减肥的决心。23岁的时候,她穿的衣物号码由正常的12号剧减到非常小的6号。

Deciding to become a model made the situation even worse, as she was told she was still too fat to succeed. As her weight continued to plummet, by the age of 24 and weighing just six stone, she was banned from dancing over concerns she would injure herself。而想成为一名模特的决定使她的情况愈发恶劣,因为有人告诉她,她身材太胖不会在模特行业成功。她的体重持续下降,到24岁的时候只有6英石(约为76斤)。因为太瘦可能容易伤到自己,所以她被禁止参加舞蹈训练。

For the next ten years she saw more than 30 health specialists, though once dipped to a dangerously low 3st 10lbs. Today, even if she wanted to eat certain foods, she would be unable to。在接下来的十年间,她去看过30多位的健康专家,但她的情况还是每况日下,体重一度降到了3英石10磅(约为47斤),情况非常危险。如今就算她想吃某些食物,她也根本不能吃。

Many foods have to be avoided because they don’t agree with her body any more. It has been so long since she ate bread that she can no longer remember what it tastes like. 很多食物她都得避免吃,因为它们已经完全与她的身体相排斥。瓦莱里娅已经很久没吃过面包了,她说自己完全想不起来面包的味道了。

Her illness has also made her life a very lonely one. Single for a decade, she says relationships are difficult as she is unable to do the normal things that couples do, as going to restaurants。她的厌食症也使她的生活非常孤单。她已经单身有十年了。因为身体的关系,谈恋爱也成为很困难的事情,因为很多正常情侣会做的事情她都无法完成,就比方说一起去餐厅吃饭。

For the incentive of wanting a child could be a trigger to get healthy again. She said: 'I would love to have a family because I feel I have so much to give. But obviously it wouldn’t be right to have a baby when I am ill. It wouldn’t be fair on the child. I want to stand up to anorexia. I’ve never given up on anything in my life and I’m not about to give up now.'想要成为一名母亲的愿望,是刺激她变健康的主要因素。她说:“我非常想有个孩子,因为我觉得我能给予孩子很多东西。但现在我生病了,不是要孩子的合适时机,这对孩子不公平。我要站出来面对厌食症,在我的生活里我从来没有放弃过任何事情,我现在也不会放弃。”

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