2012年 Politics - 政治 专业排名 (英国泰晤士报)frank1226(2012/1/8 21:01:17) 点击:
324433 回复:
0 IP:
81.* * * 排名 大学名称
1 University of Oxford
2 University of Sheffield
3 University of Cambridge
4 University College London
5 University of Bath
6 London School of Economics and Political Science
7 The University of Warwick
8 University of St Andrews
9 University of Exeter
10 Durham University
11 University of Essex
12 Aberystwyth University
13 The University of York
14 King’s College London
15 The University of Nottingham
16 The School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London (SOAS)
17 University of Sussex
18 University of Leicester
19 University of Bristol
20 Queen Mary, University of London
21 Newcastle University
22 Loughborough University
23 University of Birmingham
24 University of Glasgow
25 Cardiff University
25 The University of Hull
27 Lancaster University
28 University of East Anglia
29 University of Dundee
30 The University of Edinburgh
31 University of Leeds
32 University of Brighton
33 University of Southampton
33 University of Surrey
35 University of Strathclyde
36 University of Bradford
37 Keele University
38 The University of Manchester
39 University of Reading
40 University of Liverpool
40 Royal Holloway, University of London
42 Aston University
43 Brunel University
44 University of Kent
44 Queen’s University, Belfast
44 University of Stirling
47 University of Plymouth
47 University of Portsmouth
49 University of Aberdeen
50 University of Huddersfield
51 Swansea University
52 Northumbria University
53 University of Ulster
54 Oxford Brookes University
55 University of the West of England, Bristol
56 Goldsmiths College, University of London
57 De Montfort University
58 City University London
59 University of Westminster
60 University of Salford
61 Birmingham City University
62 Manchester Metropolitan University
63 University of Lincoln
64 Kingston University
65 Nottingham Trent University
66 London Metropolitan University
67 Liverpool John Moores University
68 Leeds Metropolitan University
69 University of Central Lancashire
70 University of Greenwich
71 Coventry University