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Highgate House丨英国伦敦极简住宅的创新
熊猫速汇(2024/1/17 13:57:09)  点击:173423  回复:0  IP:216.* * *
Highgate House 是一座位于英国伦敦的极简住宅,由 Emil Eve Architects 设计。该建筑干预增强了房屋的垂直度和自然光,使房屋各楼层之间建立了流畅的联系。
Highgate House is a minimalist home in London, England, designed by Emil Eve Architects. The architectural intervention enhances the house's verticality and natural light, creating a fluid connection between the floors of the house.
The main goal of the renovation was to transform the previously segmented and somewhat cumbersome layout into an open, cohesive home space. Originally featuring small, separate rooms, the house has been redesigned to provide seamless flow, especially with the spacious garden at the rear
Central to this transformation is the atrium, a striking and unexpected feature. It not only introduces a sense of spaciousness, but also incorporates natural elements and light. The first floor is delimited by a wooden datum line and includes a living area and an open kitchen, cleverly zoned to cater for public and private events.
The material palette plays an important role in defining the atmosphere of a space. Soft lime plaster, slender wood slats and tactile surfaces create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Large glazed areas overhead and at the rear provide plenty of natural light, further enhancing the house's connection to the outside environment.
On the ground floor, the house extends into a courtyard and a landscaped garden with brick planters that blend seamlessly with the building. The brick work of the extension cleverly echoes the original structure of the house while introducing a modern touch.
The upper floors of the house were thoughtfully redesigned to meet the needs of the family. The first floor houses the master bedroom suite, office and dressing room, while the second floor houses the children's bedroom, game room and family bathroom. The attic has been converted into a playful hideaway.
Throughout the house, the interior design reflects a collaboration between the architect and the client, balancing warm oak floors with soft white tones and gradually introducing richer colors as they rise. This strategic use of color and materials creates a sense of progress throughout the home.
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