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We can't wait to see Sherlock and Watson in the one-off episode this Christmas-ish, but until that time check out these other 10 exciting details below:

1. We know who is returning for season four - So far, the confirmed cast includes leads Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman and regulars Amanda Abbington as Mary Watson, Louise Brealey as Molly Hooper and Jonathan Aris as Anderson.
1. 我们知道在第四季中谁将回归——到现在确认出演的演员阵容包括主演本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼以及常规演员阿曼达·艾宾顿饰演的玛丽·沃特森,路易斯·布雷利饰演的茉莉·胡佩尔和乔纳森·阿里斯饰演的安德森。

2. Season four will be darker - Moffat spoke with Entertainment Weekly saying the production team wants to take the "Sherlock" series somewhere its never been in previous seasons.
2. 第四季将会更加黑暗——莫法特告诉《娱乐周刊》的记者,制作团队希望将《神探夏洛克》系列变得和以往几季完全不同。

During the "Sherlock" panel at SDCC '15 Moffat talked more about the darker tone of season four saying.

"We've got a clear idea of what we're going to do and it's going to be a clear shift in tone," Moffat said.

3. Irene Adler may return! - iDigital Times reports that Irene (Lara Pulver) may return to "Sherlock" for season four. If you don't remember Irene she was a love interest to Sherlock and much more than that during the early season.
3. 艾琳·艾德勒可能会回归!——据《数字时代》报道,艾琳(拉腊·普尔弗饰)可能会在《神探夏洛克》第四季中回归。如果你不记得艾琳是谁(让我们来科普一下剧情),夏洛克对她很感兴趣(恋爱倾向的那种),且在前几季中,她还有其他不凡的表现。

4. Janine Returns! - Another love interest of Sherlock's and Mary's close friend, Janine will return for the upcoming season. According to Moffat she will definitely be back and her and Sherlock will be friends.
4. 亚尼内将会回归!——另一个夏洛克的爱慕者——也是玛丽的好友亚尼内——将会在接下来的剧集中回归。据莫法特说,她确认会回归而且和夏洛克会成为朋友。

5. Moriarty is not Alive! - Moffat said early on that Moriarty is indeed dead and not coming back. The writer said "He shot himself in the face. What more do you want?"
5. 莫里亚蒂死翘翘了!——早些时候莫法特说过,莫里亚蒂已经死得透透的而且不会回归了。这名编剧说道:“他都饮弹自尽了你还指望些啥?”(魔法特我们能相信你吗?!!!)

6. Tom Hiddleston may join the cast - The "Avengers" villain is said to be joining the cast of "Sherlock" for season four. Online speculations have said that he will join as the third Holmes brother.
6. 汤姆·希德勒斯顿可能会加入演员阵容——据说《复仇者联盟》中的反派可能会加入《神探夏洛克》第四季演出。网络上有猜测说他将会以福尔摩斯第三个兄弟的身份出现。(这究竟是放大招还是空穴来风?!!!魔法特你粗来解释一下啊!!!)

7. Future seasons are already planned! - Moffat told the Guardian that He and Mark already planned ahead for more seasons saying, "Rather excitingly, Mark and I, for no particular reason, we just got out of the rain… and we just started plotting out what we could do in the future." He also added that there was no plan for a movie as each episode is a feature length itself.
7. 未来几季已在酝酿中!——莫法特告诉卫报记者,他和马克已经在计划未来的几季了:“更激动人心的是,如无意外,马克和我已经有谱了……我们已经在心中规划好了未来该做点什么。”他还补充道他们并没有拍摄电影的计划,因为每一集的长度已经达到了电影长片的长度了。

8. Will Mary Die? - FashionNStyle reports that season four may see the end of Watson's wife, Mary Morstan. While anything is possible we don't think the creators or producers would get rid of a dynamic female character such as Mary, well not anytime soon anyway. What's more, Martin Freeman has revealed that the show will follow the same path.
8. 玛丽会死吗?——据FashionNStyle报道在第四季中华生的妻子玛丽·莫斯坦可能会死去。虽然万事皆有可能,但是我们觉得创作者和制片人应该不会舍弃像玛丽一样充满活力的女性角色,至少不会很快。此外,马丁·弗里曼透露第四季将会延续之前的剧情。

9. Steven Moffat reveals season fours theme - "The first series was all about the beginning of their friendship. Second about the formative stages, the love and fear and loss and all that. The third was good days, me and my pal and my pal's wife." Moffat told Entertainment Weekly.
9. 史蒂芬·莫法特透露了第四季的主题——“第一季主要是关于他们的友情是如何开始的。第二季是关于成型阶段,爱、恐惧与失去等等。第三季是关于好日子,“我和我的朋友及朋友的妻子”(传说中的三人行?被PIA~)。”莫发特告诉《娱乐周刊》的记者。

10. Production will begin in the Spring - Chatting with Digital Spy after the Bafta TV awards, show runner Steven Moffat confirmed that series four is planned to start filming in spring 2016.
10. 拍摄将于春季开始——英国电视学术奖颁奖后,电视剧制作人史蒂芬·莫法特和《数字间谍》闲聊中确认第四季将于2016年春季开始拍摄。

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