英国热门院校截止目前的申请费情况介绍chatnet(2021/10/19 12:53:52) 点击:
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111.* * * 继2021年秋季开始,目前已经开放申请的部分院校针对申请费用做了相应的调整:布里斯托大学部分研究生专业、南安普顿大学研究生专业开始收取申请费,诺丁汉大学通知研究生申请费从40磅提高到50磅。
* MSc Accounting and Finance
* MSc Accounting
* MSc Finance
* MSc Marketing
* MSc International Business and Management
* MSc Management
布里斯托大学目前大学官网可查的一份最新的完整的申请费文件是“Application Fee Policy 2021/2022”里面列出了详细需要支付申请费6磅的专业以及支付方式,每个申请都需要支付申请费。
“Application Fee Policy 2021/2022”,这个文件里面提及到需要支付申请费的专业有:
-School of Accounting & Finance
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Accounting, Finance and Management
MSc Finance and Investment
MSc Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability
-School of Economics
MRes Economics
MSc Economics
MSc Economics, Finance and Management
MSc Economics & Finance
-School of Management
MSc Business Analytics
MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work
MSc Management
MSc Management (International Business)
MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
MSc Management (Marketing)
MSc Management (Project Management)
MSc Management (CSR and Sustainability)
MSc Management (Digitisation and Big Data)
MSc Management (International HRM)
MSc Marketing
MSc Social Science Research Methods (Management)
MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
伯明翰大学目前官网可以查“Guidance for programmes with an application fee webpage for further details”。
Advanced Mechanical Engineering (full time MSc)
Molecular Biotechnology (full time MSc)
Clinical Oncology (full time only - MSc and PGDip)
MPH: Masters in Public Health (full time)
Human Resource Management (full time MSc)
Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathways
Money; Banking and Finance (full time MSc)
Money; Banking and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters
International Money and Banking (full time MSc)
International Money and Banking with Integrated Pre-Masters
International Accounting and Finance (pathway 1) full time MSc
International Accounting and Finance (pathways 2 and 3)
Financial Economics (full time MSc)
Financial Management (full time MSc)
Financial Technology (full time MSc)
Investments (full time MSc)
Economics (full time MSc)
Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
Development Economics (full time MSc)
Development Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (full time MSc)
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
International Economics (full time MSc)
International Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
International Business (full time MSc)
International Business - 24 months
Management (full time MSc)
Management: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (full time MSc)
Management: Operations (full time MSc)
Management: Organisational Leadership and Change (full time MSc)
Management: Strategy (full time MSc)
Marketing (full time MSc)
International Marketing (full time MSc)
International Marketing 24m
Marketing Communications (full time MSc)
Strategic Marketing and Consulting (full time MSc)