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tinyhut(2015/9/18 11:11:58)  点击:247437  回复:0  IP:116.* * *
Overdid it , and think it might happen again? Before you start feeling guilty, know that taking a too-strict approach after a binge will most certainly backfire. One of the biggest mistakes I see ispeople beating themselves up and then trying to "undo the damage" too fast. Here, the habits guilt-trippers get trapped in, and better ways to get on track。


1. Mistake: Weighing yourself

You know that your weight can fluctuate a lot from day to day—two pounds from water weight alone is totally normal. So if you ate too much last night, especially salty foods that can cause water retention, your scale will reflect it the next morning. Don’t subject yourself to unnecessary angst! Steer clear of the scale and focus on having a healthy day instead. (If you wait 48 hours to hop on the scale, your temporary water weight may well disappear by then。)

2. Mistake: Skipping breakfast

Still stuffed? Don’t blow off breakfast—if you do, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll have a bigger lunch or dinner than you want. Ample research shows that people who eat breakfast weigh less and eat healthier than people who skip it. If the thought of a big morning meal makes you queasy, have a little fruit and cottage cheese, a piece of toast with a light coating of peanut butter, or a small bowl of oatmeal and berries。

3. Mistake: Going crazy at the gym

If your usual workout routine is 20 minutes on the elliptical, don't sign up for back-to-back Spinning, Zumba, and Ultimate Abs in an effort to torch off every last crumb. Jumping into a too-intense workout can raise your risk of getting injured. But don't loaf around either: A brisk walk can help with digestion and soothe that bloated belly feeling。

4. Mistake: Skimping on sleep

A new Columbia University study found that people are more likely to crave junky food, like pepperoni pizza, cake, and cheeseburgers, on four hours of sleep than they are on eight hours. Why? Possibly because your brain craves a quick energy boost from these foods to help it fire on all cylinders. Don't cave in. Get a good night’s snooze the night of and after you overeat, to avoid getting in a bad eating cycle。

5. Mistake: Saying "I'll Never Eat ____ Again"

One of the worst things after a day of less-than-ideal eating is to make any absolute food promises. Swearing off carbs (or fried food, or sweets) may last for a few days or even a few weeks, but research shows that the best weight-loss plans allow for some indulgence in moderation. Don’t make any quick decisions or resolutions! The best thing you can do is just get back to your usual eating M.O。

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