英国利物浦约翰摩尔大学相关入学申请信息更新besky(2020/4/3 11:48:09) 点击:
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116.* * * 1. 利物浦约翰摩尔大学(LJMU)仍将接受6周,12周语言班及本预和硕预申请。根据疫情发展情况,相关课程可采取线上授课,因此学生可选择在中国学习语言课及预科,也可在英国学习。
2. 针对6周,12周语言课及硕预课程,LJMU接受非UKVI雅思申请,通过申请后将发放联合CAS。本科雅思要求6分(单项不低于5.5),研究生雅思要求6.5(单项不低于5.5),若低于标准要求0.5分(包含小分)需读6周语言课,若低于标准1分(包含小分)需读12周语言课。部分专业雅思要求略有不同。
3. 关于雅思考试的替代考试我们将及时更新。
May I just update the latest information from Liverpool John Moores University in response to COVID-19 situation.
The Foundation, PMP and Pre Sessional programme would still be going ahead, and international students will be allowed to stay at their home country and study online, but also have the option of entering the UK.
LJMU will accept the non-UKVI IELTS for the application of 6 week, 12 week Pre Sessional English and PMP programme. The standard requirement of the IELTS for Undergraduate is 6.0(5.5 in all skills), for Postgraduate is 6.5(5.5 in all skills). The student should study 6 week pre sessional English if 0.5 point lower than the standard requirement, 12 week pre sessional English if 1 point lower than the standard requirement. Please note that some degree options may ask for higher entry requirements.
We will update the information of the alternative test to IELTS soon.