Words of Love爱的语言tinyhut(2019/3/8 11:22:39) 点击:
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125.* * * Words of Love爱的语言
Have you ever been at a loss of words while you were 'in the moment'? Here is a romantic thesaurus of sorts to help you along:
admire - To regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval. To have a high opinion of; esteem or respect. Ex. I admire you.
adore - To like or love very much.
affection - A feeling or emotion of love or happiness. A tender feeling toward another. Fondness. Ex. I may not be as affectionate as I should, but know that I love you.
amore - Italian for love.
amour - A great love affair, generally a secret or illicit affair.
appreciate - To value or admire greatly. Ex. I appreciate everything you do for me.
cherish - To treat with affection and tenderness or to hold dear. Ex. I cherish our time together.
court - To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry. Ex. He courted me for a year before proposing.
crush - The object of your desire. To like a person intensely. Ex. I've got a crush on you.
devote - To give yourself fully to another person. Ex. I have devoted myself to you for the rest of our lives.
emotion - A mental state of feeling such as love. Ex. I am full of emotion.
enchant - To attract and delight. To cast a spell over. Ex. You are enchanting.
enjoy - To receive pleasure or satisfaction. Ex. I enjoy being with you.
fairy tale - A fictitious and fanciful story that usually ends with everyone living 'happily ever after'. Ex. Our love is like a fairy tale.
fancy - Amorous or romantic attachment; love. Ex. I fancy you.
flip over - To go nuts for. To be infatuated with. Ex. I've flipped over you.
fond - Having a strong liking, inclination, or affection. Ex. I am quite fond of you.
hold dear - To hold with fondness and affection. Ex. I hold you dear to my heart.
hots for - To desire. Ex. I have the hots for you.
idolize - To regard with blind admiration or devotion. Ex. I idolize you.
inamorato - A male lover.
infatuation - A crush. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion. Ex. She is infatuated with that actor.
like - To find pleasant or attractive. To enjoy being with. Ex. I like spending my time with you.
long for - To desire greatly or for a long period of time. Ex. I long for you every night.
love - A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. Ex. I love you.
loveable - Easily loved. Ex. You're so loveable.
lust - Intense or unrestrained sexual craving. Ex. I lust for you.
magic - Used to describe a feeling of love and passion.
passion - A powerful emotion, such as love or joy. A strong sexual desire such as lust. Ex. Our relationship is full of passion.
provocative - To provoke, excite, or stimulate. Ex. She is exciting and provacative.
puppy love - A crush or new romance between young people.
rapture - An expression of ecstatic feeling.
spark - An attraction. A feeling of potential. Ex. When we first met, there was an undeniable spark.
sugar baby - An affectionate term.
treasure - To keep or regard as precious. One considered especially precious or valuable. Ex. You are my treasure.
true love - One's beloved or sweetheart. Ex. You are my one true love.
worship - To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion. Ex. I worship you.
yearning - To have a strong desire for. Ex. I yearn for you.
zeal - A feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause).
affair - A romantic or sexual relationship between two people. Ex. Our relationship is a great love affair.
courtship - Dating. The act of a man seeking affection from a woman, usually resulting in marriage. Ex. Our courtship was intense and full of passion.
excitement - To arouse strong feeling in. Ex. You excite me.
exotic - Exciting, different. From another part of the world. Ex. She's intriguing and exoitc.
fantasy - A fictitious, exciting, creative idea. Ex. You came from my fantasy.
fling - An affair or short relationship. Ex. Our relationship started with a brief fling.
flirtation - Playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest. Ex. She's such a flirt.
hanky-panky - Illicit sexual activity. Ex. Let's have some hanky-panky.
intrigue - A clandestine love affair. To arrouse curiousity. Ex. I am intrigued by you.
love story - A story dealing with love. Ex. Our relationship is a true love story.
relationship - A romantic or sexual connection between two people.
rendezvous - A meeting at a prearranged time and place. Ex. Let's have a mid-afternoon rendezvous.
romance - A love affair. An attachment or involvement between two people.
arousing - To stimulate sexual desire in. Ex. You arouse me.
erotic - Tending to arouse sexual desire.
gorgeous - Extremely beautiful; having great beauty.
kissable - Open to affection. Easily to kiss, or touch lightly or gently with the lips. Ex. You are very kissable.
luscious - Having strong sensual or sexual appeal; seductive. Ex. I was attracted to her sensuality and luciousness.
racy - Suggestive of sexual impropriety. Ex. Her lingerie is racy.
risqué - Suggestive of sexual impropriety. Ex. She's racy and risqué.
seductive - Tending to seduce; alluring. Ex. He has a seductive voice.
sensual - Suggesting sexuality; voluptuous. Ex. Light the candles for a sensual evening.
sensuous - Enjoys the pleasures of sensation. Ex. She is sensuous in bed.
spicy - Slightly scandalous; risqué. Ex. Our relationship is hot and spicy.
steamy - Hot, erotic. Ex. You are very steamy in the bedroom.
suave - Smoothly agreeable and courteous. Ex. He has a slick and suave personality.
suggestive - Tending to suggest, sexual. Ex. She exhibits suggestive sexual signs.
caress - A gentle touch or gesture. Ex. I caressed her sweet face.
draw close - To pull in or closer. Ex. I drew her close, then lightly brushed her lips.
embrace - To clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection. Such as a hug. Ex. It was an embrace that I didn't want to end.
feel - To touch; emotion. Ex. I felt her body close to mine.
fondle - To handle, stroke, or caress lovingly. Ex. He fondled her as they kissed.
hold - To keep close with arms around the person. Ex. I'll always hold you close to my heart.
hug - An embrace. Ex. I give him a hug and a kiss when we say hello and goodbye.
kiss - To touch lightly or gently on the lips. Ex. A gentle kiss says 'I love you'.
lick - An erotic movement of the tongue. Ex. He's sensuous with a lick and a suckle.
make love - To engage in sexual intercourse. Ex. We made love next to the open window, by the light of the full moon.
stroke - To rub lightly or caress. Ex. He gently stroked her hair as they kissed.
tender - Soft, vulnerable, delicate. Ex. His tender kisses are soft and sensuous.
woo - To date or court a woman. Ex. He brought me flowers and chocolates when he was trying to woo me.
angel - A kind and lovable person. Ex. You are my angel.
baby - An endearing pet name for a spouse or mate.
beau - Boyfriend. Ex. He's my beau!
beloved - Dearly loved. Ex. She is beloved by everyone, especially me.
boyfriend - A favored male companion or sweetheart. Ex. This is my boyfriend, Joe.
darling - An affectionate word for a dearly belved person. Ex. You are my darling.
dear - Loved and cherished. Ex. You are a dear. I hold you near and dear.
flame - A sweetheart. Ex. You are my eternal flame.
girlfriend - A favored female companion or sweetheart. Ex. This is my boyfriend, Jane.
honey - Sweetheart; dear. A common pet name or term used as a form of endearment. Ex. I love you, honey.
inamorata - A female lover.
love birds - Two people in love.
lovely - Nice, having beauty, or enjoyable.
lover - A couple in love with one another; a sexual partner. Ex. You are my friend and my lover.
my love - A term to describe one's spouse or mate.
pet name - A nickname for your spouse or mate, such as honey, baby, or sweetheart.
romeo - A romantic man devoted to lovemaking and the pursuit of love. Ex. Every girl wants to be Juliet and is searching for her Romeo.
sugar - Slang for kissing or used to describe how sweet an indivdual may be. Ex. Give me some sugar.
sweetheart - One who is loved. A term of endearment. Ex. I love you, sweetheart.
sweetie - A term of affection or endearment. Ex. I love you, sweetie.
valentine - A sentimental card or gift sent on Valentine's game. An affectionate term for your sweetheart, especially on Valentine's day.